Meeting rain or shine, will move inside if raining
Contact Cathy Dixon at to get info on beeyard, or to get on her text list for updates.
Cathy Dixon will coordinate scheduling and participation time in all beeyards. Please watch your email and our Facebook closed group on how to sign up and information as it becomes available. You can message Cathy in the closed Facebook group with your phone number for her text list.
Watch our Facebook group for updates, and instructor tips and what to watch for. You must be a current member of ECOBA to join the closed Facebook group, so head on over and request entry after you renew your membership! We will also be broadcasting Live from the Hive on beeyard nights when we can on Facebook.
1st year beeyard will be each Thursday from 6:00-8:00 PM (except the 3rd Thursday of each month, no beeyard on meeting nights). We will be separate from the 2nd year beeyard to make the experience a broader learning and teaching time for all!
We would like for 2nd year beekeepers or older to show up and mentor when you can to help. We look forward to seeing you all there and it will be potluck, so we all have something to nibble on. We should be done around 8:00 most evenings.
All beekeepers regardless of their expertise level (first year, second year, many years) are invited to participate.
Veils, Jackets, or Suits are mandatory, no other personal equipment, hive tools, gloves, smokers etc. are permitted without prior approval due to cross-contamination. You will receive three reward ticket for attending.
Mentors will receive additional reward tickets for each hour of work performed.
You must sign a waiver prior to entering the yard.
Meeting rain or shine, will move inside if raining
Contact Cathy Dixon at to get info on beeyard, or to get on her text list for updates
Cathy Dixon will coordinate scheduling and participation time in all beeyards. Please watch your email and our Facebook closed group on how to sign up and information as it becomes available. You can message Cathy in the closed Facebook group with your phone number for her text list.
Watch our Facebook group for updates, and instructor tips and what to watch for. You must be a current member of ECOBA to join the closed Facebook group, so head on over and request entry after you renew your membership! We will also be broadcasting Live from the Hive on beeyard nights when we can on Facebook.
2nd year beeyard will be the each Thursday of each month from 6:00-8:00 PM (except the 3rd Thursday of each month, no beeyard on meeting nights). We will be separate from the 1st year beeyard to make the experience a broader learning and teaching time for all!
We look forward to seeing you all there and it will be potluck, so we all have something to nibble on. We should be done around 8:00 most evenings.
All beekeepers regardless of their expertise level (first year, second year, many years) are invited to participate.
Veils, Jackets, or Suits are mandatory, no other personal equipment, hive tools, gloves, smokers etc. are permitted without prior approval due to cross-contamination. You will receive three reward ticket for attending.
Mentors will receive additional reward tickets for each hour of work performed.
You must sign a waiver prior to entering the yard.